Call us: 01524 843333

Address: 2 Queen Square, Lancaster, LA1 1RP

Transgender Patients

We acknowledge the current lengthy waiting times to be seen in NHS Gender Identity Clinics and the frustration and distress this causes our transgender patients. However, we do largely feel inexperienced and unqualified to prescribe hormonal treatment for transgender patients, unless under shared care guidance with NHS Gender Identity Clinics. We are mindful of the GMC requirement that we work within the limits of our competence.

We have decided as a practice to arrange blood monitoring and issue prescriptions for hormonal treatment for our transgender patients as follows below.

We ask all patients undergoing hormone treatment monitoring blood tests to communicate the results to the specialist they are under. The easiest way to do this is to sign up for online access.

 Hormone Prescriptions and administrationBlood tests
Patients under care of NHS GICYesYes
Patients under care of Private GICYes*Yes
Patients obtaining their own hormone treatment online etc.NoNo**
Bridging Prescription for patients on NHS wait listNoNo
Patients previously under NHS GIC but dischargedYesYes – annual

* Currently only for GenderCare (extended to include Gender GP on 11/3/22)

**This is with effect from 12/2/21 – any patients in this scenario who we have already been arranging blood monitoring for can continue to have this done at the surgery.

Date published: 25th October, 2023
Date last updated: 5th December, 2023