Call us: 01524 843333

Address: 2 Queen Square, Lancaster, LA1 1RP

Health Research

Queen Square Medical Practice is a research active practice, affiliated with Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) About RCGP .  This means we actively support and conduct different types of research with the intention of improving outcomes for patients. New treatments, technologies, care approaches and devices all need to be carefully and safely tested in real life healthcare environments. Clinical research in these environments is separately funded and adds value to patient care. All clinical research undertaken at our practice is thoroughly checked and approved by ethical committees, to ensure it is safe to perform.

 Data protection is very important to us and we strictly follow GDPR guidelines.  For more information please use the link below:

UK GDPR guidance and resources | ICO


Click on the sections below to view our different studies.

Active Brains

Active Brains is a study to identify whether older adults can benefit from using a specific website to make simple changes such as getting more active, brain training games, and...


Asthma is the commonest long-term disease in children in the UK. The main treatment for asthma is a preventer inhaler, containing corticosteroids, which prevents irritation of the airways. This trail...


This study aims to identify whether taking a low dose of amitriptyline helps to prevent nerve pain in the area of a shingles rash. For more information please see the...

Be part of Research

The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the importance of clinical research, which was crucial to the development of vaccines and treatments that have saved millions of lives globally. Clinical research is essential...

BEACON - Long Covid

Are you experiencing brain fog or memory problems after having Covid-19? The new BEACON trial is testing a brain training app to improve brain health. What is BEACON? BEACON is...

Care 75+ Study

This study is being led by Bradford Royal Infirmary and Leeds University who are interested in improving the health and wellbeing of older people.  They are working with local Clinical...


Dare2Think is a transformational project that will test a new way of running clinical trials at General Practices in the NHS.   Please see the Dare2Think study video here  

Enabling research in care homes

Improving the lives and health of older people living in care homes is a major UK government priority. The Enabling Research in Care Homes (ENRICH) initiative and Research Ready Care...

Findings from studies

  Research is of no use unless it gets to the people who need to use it Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health Effective dissemination...

Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD) Study

The Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD) Study is a project set up to support studies exploring risk factors for depression and/or anxiety. GLAD study interview with Dr Gerome...

Join Dementia Research

Dementia affects more than 850,000 people in the UK. Research offers hope. Only through research can we understand what causes dementia diseases, develop effective treatments and improve the care of...

Mavis Study

Maternal Vaccination in the NHS This study aims to understand women’s experiences of being offered vaccinations in their recent pregnancy and find out how to improve women’s care and the...

Mother and Baby Yoga Study

If you would like to find out more about the study and how to sign up to it please click on this link

Phoenix Takes Flight 

This Project aims to find solutions that will reduce health inequalities by using the experience of people who receive and deliver community wellbeing activities. For more information see the poster...

Pilot Studies

Utopia – Podcast This project will offer a way to raise awareness about mental health and informal care networks for managing distress, through a series of podcasts sharing narratives of...

Singing for Lung Health (S4LH) Pilot

Breath of Fresh Air Choir In 2022, we were successful in being awarded funding via the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Managed Covid Recovery Fund to enable us to...


Snacktivity is testing a new approach aimed at helping people to become more physically active and to reduce the amount of time spent sitting each day. We are inviting people from...

Some studies are active but no longer recruiting.

These studies are still running in the background but are no longer recruiting patients, or are in follow up. Diamond Study –  This is a study for patients with type...

Thank you for taking part in research

In 2022/2023 we recruited 895 patients to NHS research studies. This research contributes to breakthroughs in diagnostics, treatment, prevention and interventions for patient care now and in the future. Thank...

The Research Team

GP/PI Dr S Moon Research Development Nurse Elley Sowerby, working days Tuesday/Wednesday 8.30am-4.30pm Clinical Research Nurse Sadie Mckeand, working days Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 8am-4.30pm

Date published: 22nd July, 2021
Date last updated: 27th September, 2023