Call us: 01524 843333

Address: 2 Queen Square, Lancaster, LA1 1RP

Care & Support

Click on the pages below to find out further information and advice on your health and wellbeing.

ADHD Diagnoses

Patients with a Confirmed Diagnosis or Seeking a New Diagnosis of ADHD We acknowledge the current lengthy waiting times for NHS clinics and the frustration and distress this can cause. ...

Find NHS services near you

Are you in need of a local dentist, optician, or a pharmacy? Find an NHS service easily by entering your postcode.

Find your NHS number

Your NHS number is a 10 digit number, like 485 777 3456. It is on any letter you receive from the NHS. You do not need to know your NHS...

Health & Wellness

We are an affiliated Park run Practice for the Lancaster and Morecambe Park Run.   Park Run is a 5K run/jog or walk along the prom or through Williamsons Park and...

NHS Health A to Z

Look up information about different conditions and treatments using the NHS Health A-Z.

NHS Live Well

Please use the NHS links for information and advice on healthy living.

NHS Talking Therapies

Are you suffering from anxiety or depression? Perhaps you’re feeling stressed and struggling to control your worry? Do you experience feelings of panic or obsess about certain thoughts? You’re not...

Strep A Guidance

What is GAS? Group A streptococcus (GAS) is a common bacteria. Lots of us carry it in our throats and on our skin and it doesn’t always result in illness....

Useful contacts

Below are some contacts you may find useful. NHS 111 111 Royal Lancaster Infirmary 01524 65944 Health Visitors 0300 247 0040 Midwife / Delivery Suite 01524 583850 Westmorland General Hospital...

Health & Care Video Library

There are lots of information and advice videos in the Health and Care Video library funded by the NHS. The videos are reviewed regularly by NHS clinicians to ensure they...

Self care

Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a...

Who should I see?

We try to keep our GP appointments for patients with more serious health problems. Before you book an appointment to see a doctor please consider whether an appointment with a...

Assessing your alcohol intake

Use the tool below to assess your intake of alcohol.  It also gives information about safe alcohol levels.  If you have any concerns regarding your alcohol consumption, please make an appointment. Please...


If you care for or look after a member of your family or neighbour because they are unable to perform daily tasks for themselves and if the caring role occupies...

Assessing your risk of diabetes

There is a very easy to use website that allows you to get an idea of your risk of having diabetes. This website can be found at if your risk is raised,...

Date published: 5th February, 2021
Date last updated: 22nd July, 2021