Are you 75 or over?
Do you have a friend or family member over 75 who come to this doctors’ surgery?
We are inviting people aged 75 and over to take part in a study about their appetite and eating patterns.
We’d really like to hear from you if you are 75 or over and:
- Have recently lost weight without meaning to OR
- Have lost your appetite for more than a couple of weeks OR
- Live alone OR have one or more health conditions OR have recently been in hospital
If you take part you will be sent a list of questions to answer and return. Some people will then be invited to speak with a nurse 3-5 times by phone or at their doctors’ surgery. You will be sent another list of questions after 18 months, and some people will also be sent questions after 6 and 12 months.
To find out more call the surgery on 01524 843333 and ask to speak with the Research Team, or email